February 4th is World Cancer Day, a day in which organizations, authorities, and individuals cope with the challenge of promoting awareness and education about cancer prevention, research, screenings, and treatments.

This year’s campaign theme is “Together, we challenge those in power,” referring to recognizing and gathering every piece of information about cancer care. 2024 is the year to start reducing the misconceptions about the disease and listen to the stories of people living with cancer, survivors, and people who have lost a loved one because of it.

A Crucial Message for World Cancer Day

This year, the spotlight is the relevance of access to quality cancer care, including hospice care. Sometimes, cancer just cannot be cured, and the needs and rights of these patients should be remembered and addressed.

Pain is one of the most frequent problems that patients have to face. It is at this moment when hospice care comes into play.

Everyone with a cancer diagnosis can benefit from hospice care since it focuses on comfort and overall well-being rather than aggressive healing treatment. A multidisciplinary team works together to deal with the symptoms while the patient is under hospice care so that they can spend their days with dignity, respect, and quality of life with their loved ones.

cancer awareness

Joining the Cause

If you would like to observe World Cancer Day, you can get involved by taking one or more of these actions:

  • Share your story and make your voice heard.

  • Donate to patients’ funds or cancer research.

  • Recognize the work of hospice team members who care for cancer patients.

Dealing with a progressive illness like cancer is not an easy task, whether it is the patient or a loved one. At Ascend Hospice Care, we can help cancer patients and their families manage pain and medications. In addition, we can assist with bereavement care and so much more.

Request hospice care

The staff will try to accommodate your request and call at the specified time.
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Your hospice partner

We understand that the decision to transition towards end-of-life therapy needs to be taken with utmost care, that’s why we created this helpful blog.